Icelandic translator / Icelandic technical translation / Icelandic technical translator / Icelandic interpreter
Facts about the Icelandic language:
The Icelandic language is a West Scandinavian language of thenorthernbranch of the Germanic languages.
The first Indo-European inhabitants arrived in Iceland in the 8th-9th century (CE), from the territory of today's Norway, as raiding Vikings. The relatively extreme climate, as well as geographical distance, isolated the language so there was no external influence until the 20th century, and it underwent rather specific changes. Regardless of these changes, however, it has preserved the former status of the Old Norse language to a large extent. Danish rule from 1380 until 1918 had little influence over the development of the Icelandic language, it was the common local language used instead of Danish, even with the official bureaucracy. The same was the case with English during American rule in World War II.
It is related to the Faroese language and the extinct Greenland Norwegian language, as well as the Norn language spoken on Shetland and Orkney.
The Icelandic language, Iceland’s official language, is spoken by around 300,000 people. There are no dialects.
The Icelandic language is written in Latin script.
What we offer: Icelandic translation, Icelandic technical translation, Icelandic native-language proofreading, Icelandic technical proofreading, Icelandic official translation, Icelandic interpreting – Request a quote, or order Icelandic translation, or Icelandic interpreting!
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MS Office: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, vsd, vsdx, mdb, pub | pdf | Text files: txt, csv, inf, ini, reg | Open Document: odt, ott, oth, odp, ods | html, xhtml, xml, sgml | DITA | Desktop Publishing/Graphics files: fm, mif, indd, idml, inx, ai, psd (Adobe); svg, eps, tif, gif, jpg, bmp, png; qxd (QuarkXpress); cdr (CorelDraw); tex (LaTeX) (PDF és képfájlok: konvertálás/OCR után fordítás) | Video subtitles: srt, sub, stl, ebu | Help files: hhc, hhk, chm | Localization formats: exe, dll, ocs, rc, xliff, po, resx, properties, yaml, json, osx/ios strings